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Friday, December 3, 2010

That slippery little sucker

SO - The weapons of our warfare aren't carnal! Ha - tell that to my food! You know all those movies where the Oyster goes flying accross the room? I always laugh nervously..... Coz that's me (blush).

My most recent battle was with a pickle (common people where was the tooth pic when I needed one?) So what does this have to do with our faith. Well there are times when we are just clumsy and we think we have our eye on the ball but we don't and ....whoooosh, before we know it something happens in our lives and we realize... We just took our eyes off our faith. And in that moment the simplicity of what we should have done smacks us in the face.

Well then there's the rest of the utensils... Sorry but I just don't see the point... Never did.... I can do most things with my fork. We all have perceptions of what Etiquette is.... In India it's perfectly normal to eat your entire meal with your hands and the Chinese use chop sticks.

The utensils are all just a means to get the job of eating done. They do however have different uses. There are definitely tools that we can use to build our faith. You need to find which tools help you to grow spiritually the best and then get comfortable with that.

So while I go and make peace with my fork, why don't you take a moment to ask God to help you find which tools to use to grow your faith :-)

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