Everyday God - Amazon

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Please quit..... NOT!

I don't know about you, but I'm a bit of an obstinant individual. Any time someone tells me to quit, that just puts fuel in my fire! Truth is, there's a time to fight or stand your ground and a time to back down. So how do you tell the difference?

Well I think the easiest to identify is when you know for sure that you have a word from God. It goes back to trusting those co-ordinants that God has given you. Just because the wind blows, doesn't mean the plane should change direction. Nope, if necessary the pilot would have to disengage the auto-pilot and fly manually until the flight is back on course.

I would say that a good time to back down though would be if you have caused such damage to a situation that staying on that course of action would mean certain destruction. At that point retreat would be the best option to allow the situation to calm down. Most likely once things have cooled down and you've had time to think, you'll be able to figure out a wiser course of action.

don't be to quick to quit..... Think it through before you decide on an action.

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