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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Foxterrier grip

When I was growing up we had a little Foxterrier. She was a cute hyperactive pup named Pammie. One of her favourite games was to gab hold of a towel and pull. (Ok, this part is going to sound nasty but hear me out). She had such a strong grip on that towel that we could literally lift her off the floor and swing her around and she wouldn't let go.

I've spoken before about trusting God's co-ordinates in life to stick it out on the long haul....but we also need tenacity. Making our dreams come true is going to require some real guts and determination. Life doesn't just hand our dreams to us on a silver platter.

When you have a dream, it is worth fighting for. You will need to constantly remind yourself of that dream and keep focused on that. If you do your part, God will honour your faithfullness and grant you the desires of your heart.

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