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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It doesn't work the way it should

If a welding machine breaks, electricians will open the box and test the various parts of the equipment to find the fault and replace the faulty parts. They don't look at the machine and say, "you're not functioning the way you should, so we'll turn you into a hammer".

That would be rediculous because the welding machine is not designed to work as a hammer. So why do we do that in so many areas of our lives? It could happen financially, relationally, sexually, or even in our career choices. When we try to put ourselves into a box it leads to mistakes and sin, like trying to live up to the Jones'.

Why do we try to change ourselves into something we are not? I believe it's because Satan is a master artist at deception. He fills our head with lies, then when circumstances seem to suggest something similar he quickly nugges us and says, "I told you so", and we believe him.

The devil will consistently re-inforce his lies, until we are caught up in sin. Unfortunately the human brain can be programmed and re-programmed to respond a certain way and that is why brain washing is so successful.

There is hope.... I believe by understanding the brain washing process we can take contol of the situation and stop ourselves from sinning. In my next blogg I will share on this.

For the time being..... Why don't you ask God to help you see in what area of your life you may be struggling in and in need of re-progamming.

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