Everyday God - Amazon

Thursday, December 30, 2010


In the movie "Sahara" the character Dirk while trying to convince his boss to lend him his speed boat to go hunting for an Iron Clad warship in the middle of the desert, says to him "Imagine" i.e. Imagine if we find it! And........... they found it!

Okay, I know it's just a movie.... but.... Think of this... Nothing on earth that has been created by man, has been created without it first being imagined!

I marvel at modern technology. I am tying an email that will be sent via a cell phone to a web page in cyber space. Phew, what a mouthful. None of this would be possible if a man named Alexander Graham Bell, had not first invented an object named a telephone.

And he first had to imagine this device before he could create it. I could go on for hours with listing fascinating inventions, but my point is that somebody somewhere dreamt up an object and made it happen.

What ideas are you sitting on that could transform our world and make a difference to peoples lives?

Common ....... Imagine!

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