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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Highveld thunderstorms

The beauty of the Highveld thunderstorms. For the most part they thunder down rain and as in today's case even hail and then moments later the sun is out and you can go for a strole and breath in the freshly washed air.

But then there are the other storms that set in and just hang around. Both can cause havoc in their own way, but at least with the thunderstorms you can get it over and done with.

Life's like that some times. Some trials are quick and although they can cause damage, they are over with quickly. Other times trials hang around for ages and you just wish they would go away.

I suppose it helps to remember that storms bring much needed rain, which we cry out for in the parched winter months. There are lessons to be learnt from the storms of life, which can become the food/fertiliser for future growth.

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