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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cooking on the back burner

Have you ever made a decision you've regretted afterwards?  I know I have.  One thing I've definitely noticed is that making decisions when you are stressed is a really bad idea.I'm not talking about having the ability to make quick decisions in a crisis situation, but more making decisions when you are so stressed you are actually not thinking clearly.

Some times we are trying to resolve a major problem but we just can't see straight. It's at these times that we sometimes make rash decisions that can cost us dearly in life. You need to be able to assess the urgency of the matter, and even though it may be inconvenient, if you can.... delay the decision.  A little trick I've learnt is learning to put things on the "Back burner".  The reason I do that is because the human brain is a very powerful organ, but we don't always allow it to solve problems for us the way it can.

When it comes to some decisions, our brain needs time to look at all the options available to us before it can correctly calculate the right option. Sometimes this takes time, but if we are patient we will come to the right decision and we will have a peace about it. 

We need to let God's peace rule our hearts and help guide us to the right choices in life. When we allow God's spirit to work with our brain we will come to the best decisions in life. Next time you have a major decision, give yourself some time to mull it through and you'll see you will make much better choices.

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