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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The voice

The program “The Voice” has just launched in SA. What I find inspiring about it is that contestants are judged on nothing else except the quality of their voice. Nothing stands in their way, not first impressions, weight, height, race, gender.... just raw talent.

In Matthew 25, Jesus tells of the parable of servants who are given differing values of talents (money). Two use them to make make more money, but one buries his talent. Each of the servants who multiplied their talents are given more, but the one who hid his, has it taken away and given to the servant to earned the most.

This may seem unfair, but God doesn't mince his intentions as to what he wants us to do with the gifts he has given us. Romans 11:29 tells us that the gifts and callings of God are irrevocable, meaning that God will never take back a gift he has given us. He does not regret any gift that he has bestowed on us and wants us to use them to the full.

Are you using your gifts and talents for God?

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