Everyday God - Amazon

Monday, October 3, 2011

Ankle tap tackle

Picture it... you've got the ball, an apparent clear space ahead, you set off in a sprint. Then out of the blue, from behind, a hand grabs your ankle and kaduf....down you go!

A few well trained rugby players have a keen sense of balance and can either roll and bounce up or with a quick adjustment can avoid going down and overcome the tackle.

Well our spiritual game is similar to a ball game in some aspects. There are times when our path is clearer allowing us an opportunity to gather speed. Satan hates this and sometimes all he can manage is an ankle tap tackle.

We have a choice. These tackles are relatively unimportant obstacles, like a missed bus, too much time in traffic, a que when you are in a hurry. Nothing that on a better day would have little effect on you.

You can choose to maintain your cool and recover quickly or you an allow it to blow your fuse. Learning to overcome these challenges will be an important part of your spiritual growth.

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