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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Spoeg and polish

Well my wardrobes I've been waiting for finally arrived yesterday, bringing with them lots of memories and weird emotions. Getting them into the house and settled in required a lot of hard work. They needed lots of cleaning and polish before they would be useful.

This makes me think about a spiritual state of being run down. God calls this backsliding. It is the state our spirits get to when we neglect our relationship with God and church and we allow ourselves to be filled with dust and junk.

In Jeremiah 3:22, God calls us to return to him and he promises that he will heal our backsliding. This means that he will restore us to our full spiritual state of being close to him and also means that he will cleans us and heal any areas of our lives that need restoration.

Do you need a little spoeg (spit) and polish? Heed God's call and return to him and he will heal you.

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