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Monday, April 11, 2011

She'll be comming round the mountain

Well we've all been there. That one niggly trial we just can't beat. Well sorry to tell you, but you are going to have to keep going through that until you do get it right.

It's been said that the distance required to reach the promised land from Egypt, could have been walked in 40 days.... Yet it took the Israelites 40 years to complete the route. Why?

Well there were aspects of faith and obedience they needed to learn and they needed to keep practicing until they got it right. When they did, the walls of Jericho came tumbling down!

So how will you know once you've got it right? You'll know because your reactions to a situation now will be dramatically different from times before. So don't loose faith if your are stairing at a mountain. Ask God to give you wisdom and you are sure to succeed!

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