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Monday, April 25, 2011

It was 50/50

Growing up, I had tremendous problems with my hearing. Whether it was due to ear infections or a birth defect, we do not know, but I had a bone missing in my ear. At that time a lot of inner ear surgery was still very experimental.

I remember my mom looking me in the eye and saying, "You can have this surgery done, but there is a 50/50 chance it could work OR you could go completely deaf, it's your choice". That would be a tough decision for anyone, but it was particularly hard considering I was 10 years old at the time!

Ironically it's the same year I remember making first commitment to Christ. The bible talks about the age of accountability being when children are given the option to chose Jesus willingly as their saviour.

Oh and yes! The operation was as successful as it could be. I still have a permenant 20% loss in my right ear, but I've adapted my lifestyle to cope with that.

If you have kids, have you considered if they are old enough to accept Christ as saviour?

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