So by now in our journey we had already seen the likes of Westminter, York and several other awesome Gothic cathederals and structures. On a visit with friends in Germany though we were advised that we just had to make a stop at a little church named Wieskirche.
Well we did, and driving up to this little white and yellow painted church did nothing to excite us to the reason for the diversion in our tour to this remote little village in the foothills of the German Alps. BUT.... upon entry to the famous little church my breath was taken away at the immense beauty that unfolded before our eyes. Ceilings and walls painted in supernatural and appastolic figures, with walls, organ pipes and pillars overlaid in gold leaf made for the truly spectacular!
In 1738, tears were seen on a dilapidated wooden figure of the scourged Saviour. This miracle resulted in a pilgrimage rush to the village and the church was built to accommodate the figure. Construction of the church took place between 1745 and 1754, and the interior was decorated in stuccowork in the tradition of the Wessobrunner School. The church was nearly destroyed until it was declared a world heritage site in 1983.
The old cliché of don't judge a book by it's cover definitely held true here. In life we so often judge people before we get to know them. Allow yourself to scratch beneth the surface of people before you dismiss them, you never know what a jewel they can be in your life.