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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Powerful passion

Passion is a very powerful force. This time I'm not referring to the passion of love, but the passion of ambition. Many people plod through life wishing something good would happen to them, when God and people are just waiting on them to actually find what it is that motivates them.

When we are in plod through life mode, we seldom wake up with any joy. Life is just a grind from start to finish each day. Passion on the other hand is a force that will push you to take on challenges you would normally avoid, face them head on and push through the problem.

The amazing thing is that you will always find time for the things you are passionate about. Some do this though to the detriment of the people in their lives, which can cause endless conflict. Let me be explicit about this.... It is my utter conviction that the only reason we have been given human bodies with which to live in this world is so that we can communicate love. Communicate our love, communicate God's love..... But communicate we must!

When we take the THINGS we are passionate about and make them more important than the PEOPLE in our lives...... We have missed the point. God's desire for us is to be passionate about the things we do so that we can being Glory to him. Time to go and check your passion account.... Is it in balance or have things outweighed people?

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