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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Anger management :(

Some situations in life just make your blood boil instantly. They arrive without notice and send you into a rage without warning.

The bible says "be angry, but don't sin". That sounds like a total contradiction. Loosing your temper and "chucking your toys", seldom achieves anything positive.

What do you do? Firstly recognise the fact that anger is a a sign that a personal boundary has been violated. Stop, take a deep breath and think. Realise to that you have the right to tell someone that you are angry with them, but you don't have the right to scream and shout at someone.

Tell the other person that you are angry with them and then tell them why. Then have respect enough for them to allow them to explain their side of the story. In all likelihood you will find that there is a miscommunication of some kind that can be resolved if you talk it through.

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