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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Earth elements: Wind

Continuing with earth elements, lets consider the wind. We don't know where it comes from or where it is going. We can however see the effects of the wind as it blows. We see the trees swaying and the clouds as they move accross the sky. The winds are the breath of life on the earth that drive the weather patterns. So too God's breath of life within us gives us life.

In Holland there are many beautiful old fashioned wind mills that are used to draw water from canals. Thanks to modern technology we now have giant turbines that harness wind power to generate electricity. The Holy Spirit is our power force to sustain our relationship with God, and to guide us.

Sail boats use captured wind force to power the vessel accross seas and oceans. The Holy spirit will become the power that drives your life.

For all its good, wind is also one of the most destructive forces on earth. Hurricanes, tornadoes, and storms are all driven by powerful winds. When the storms of life come, within minutes, hours or days, they can destroy something we've been building for many years.

BUT, storms do pass. They may leave a wake of destruction, but the do pass. What did Jesus do in the storm - He slept. How could he sleep? Because he knew the storm would end and they would get to the other side. How did he know that? Because he gave his disciples his word. It is vital for you to get to know the word of God, so that in the storm, you will have an anchor for your soul to stay grounded to!

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