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Saturday, November 13, 2010

His voice through a still small voice

God will speak to you at times through the "Still small voice". In 1
Kings 19, Elijah is on a mountain and he sees a strong wind, an
earthquake, and a fire – but God was in none of them. Then he hears a
still small voice, also translated as "a delicate whispering voice",
and he knows that is God, so he approaches God and God speaks to them.

The scriptures are filled with hundreds of scriptures about the Voice
of God. As we read them, we begin to understand his voice and how it
works. God is a gentlemen and he will never force his way on you. He
will speak to you in a still small voice. The challenge for us today
is that our world is literally filled with things that 'Scream' at us.
The media, Television and movies all impact our daily lives and our

We have to learn to take time out to be silent to hear the voice of
God and respond to his word according to his will. This is where
prayer and meditating on God's word will be a vital part of your life.
Learn to find a way to take a quite time to be with God and allow him
to speak to you.

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