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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Earth elements: Fire

I think we can learn a lot from observing God's earth. Fire is one of my favourite earth elements. Fire has so many functions and forms.

A candle lights only a small space, but an oil lamp can light a whole room. The bible says that God's word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. A lamp on a dark path only gives enough light to see a little way in front of you. God will always give us enough guidance to see just far enough ahead so that we don't stumble and fall.

A fire place in a home warms the home and creates a welcoming abiance for everyone. The Holy Spirit is our comforter and He brings to life the love God in our hearts.

A flame can be used to cook a meal, wether on gas or an open fire. The word of God nourishes our soul and spirit.

Fire is also used to burn the open veld. I used to think it was just for pest and disease control. Recently though I learned that the veld is burnt at low heat on purpose to put nutrients back into the ground. Then when the spring rain comes these nutrients feed the soil and help the new grass to grow. This is so true in our lives. There are times when we go through difficult situations that burn us and leave us feeling destroyed. In Romans 8, we read that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purposes. God will always use every trial we go through to build our lives if we open our hearts to his healing rain.

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