Everyday God - Amazon

Monday, November 22, 2010

Hanging on through the long haul

Most of us can handle the shorter trials in life. It's the battles of life that set in for the long haul, that frustate is to the point of wanting to give up on the issue and some may even consider suicide. How do you find the strength to hang on? Then to our amazement it seems that God is silent.... Is this really the case?

There are many parallels we can draw in life. One I'd like to look at is a long distance flight. The pilot's are very hands on during take off and ascent. Once they reach cruising altitude they set the course co-ordinates and put the flight into auto pilot and let go of the controls. Then barring any hectic winds, storms or any big bangs, the pilot will leave the plane on auto pilot until it is time to decend.

Then the pilot only chat's to the passengers when there is a change of direction. The rest of the time he leaves the maintenance of the plane to the flight crew.

Well that's what God is like. He gives us instructions to set us on course, then he expects us to stay on track until it is time for a major change in direction. We need to learn to trust the co-ordinates that God has given us and just stay on track. Trust that God will tell you when he wants you to change direction and just keep going.

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