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Monday, November 8, 2010

Messing Up

I mentioned that 1 John 1 v 9, says that we must confess our sins and that God is faithful to forgive us.  Does that mean that we have to sit down every day, take stock of our sins and repent and pay pennance?  No, what God desires is for us to become sensitive to his spirit and to learn when something has grieved him.  Believe me, if you open your heart to God, you will quickly learn when you are being rebuked.

God desires sensitivity to his leading, and his ultimate goal is to have us become so sensitive to his Spirit that he can "lead us by his eye"..... You know what that is right?  That look you got from mom or dad when you just shouldn't have done or said something, and they are not in a place to spank you!

Learn to just listen to your heart and inner voice.  That is where God will speak to you.

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