Sunday, March 1, 2015

Little by little

A while back I went through a phase where I just wasn't in the mood for gardening.  I know, nothing like me right?  Well it happened and at that stage the weeds took over and some plants just attracted all the bugs I didn't want and it really was a mess. 

Well I eventually had enough and got stuck in, but there was going to be no quick solution to this problem, it was going to take slow and consistent work.  Well little by little I've been getting there.  The weeds are almost all under control, I got rid of the bad plants and then moved any herbs that I could from the back garden and planted them where the other bad plants were and now things are starting to get back to normal.  It has taken a lot of work though but I'm proud of the current progress. 

Our faith walk with God will be exactly the same, we will have to plug at it a little at a time to learn the principles of faith and how to apply them to our daily lives.  It won't always be pretty, we will encounter problems and we will make mistakes but if we keep at it progressively we will eventually arrive at a beautiful garden of strength and tranquility that can only come from being grounded in Christ. 

If your faith walk has been challenging and you feel as though the weeds of discouragement have won, start little by little to focus on God and His strength and wisdom will pull you through. 

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