Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Adios 2014

Well another year has come to an end and as I contemplate saying goodbye to this year I find it hard not to sit and pause for just a moment.  This great year, 2014, has brought with it many sorrows and disappointments but also successes and victories. 

This year has brought with it the challenges of facing self imposed limitations that should not have been there in the first place and the joy of breaking those barriers and breaking into new ground.  It has brought tests of patients and endurance and the joyous reward that comes from waiting for that which is good. 

This year has had moments of darkness, frustration and probably sometimes even fear but it has been a year that has brought me the closest to finding my truest self and the deepest desires of my heart and being able to see clearly who I am and what I want out of life.

There isn't a single year to which Ecclesiastes 3 would not be applicable but I'll leave that to you to ponder.  The most important element to this year has been that of finding balance in life. There are always good and bad experiences but it is how we respond to those circumstances that charts the course of our future. 

Looking back I thank God for all the wonderful experiences that life has brought me and give honour, praise and glory to God that if anything good has come out of this year, it has been by His divine grace and providence. 

I am so looking forward to saying, "Adios 2014!"  But I wait with excitedly with baited breath to say "Hello 2015, let's make this a great year!" 

What are your moments and thoughts of reflection?  I encourage you to take the time to think through these. 

Wishing you all a blessed and prosperous New Year and Happy 2015!  And here's to looking forward to another year of blogging :-) 

P.S. Please travel safely!

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