Thursday, December 11, 2014


I really tried hard on Wednesday night to get to bed early as I was really feeling the fatigue. All went well until about 2am on Thursday morning when a really loud thunder storm rolled in. It woke me up with a fright but more so my poor kitties. Honey particularly hates all the loud storms. Well after that it was tickets to getting any real sleep, every time I drifted into dream land the kitties woke me up for one reason or another. My biggest worry as I settle down to bed tonight was seeing the dark clouds rolling back in. What I wouldn't give now for a clear starry night.

The wonderful thing though is that even though thunder storms are loud and scary, they roll in and the roll out again fairly quickly. If you are at all lucky there's lots of noise but not too much damage.

That's what the devil does. He arrives in our life and makes his presence known with lots of noise and plenty of evidence that he is going to wreck havoc but when we are rooted and grounded in Christ the storms may blow and our branches may bow, but we will never befall a fate that God has not ordained for our lives. I'm not saying God causes storms, but rather that He allows the storms of life to build our character.

If you are facing a scary storm now, take heart and ask God to be your shelter. We can rest peacefully through any trial knowing that God is for us.

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