Thursday, May 21, 2015

Throw back Thursday

Something that we have all seen trend for some time now is 'throw back thursday'.  Its an opportunity to reminisce and remember something from the past that we really loved.  I do ask myself though if there isn't more to it than just a reminder of the 'good old days'?  I definitely think so.

Life now days has become so hard that everybody is looking for an opportunity to just take our thoughts back to a time when life seemed easier.  Truth be told though, was it really better back then?  I think not!

Let's kick this back to Moses time.  After hundreds of years in slavery they are free in the desert and what happens?  The Israelites start complaining about the conditions and they want to go back.  Fast forward maybe to our grand parents and their parents age and world war 1 and 2 come to mind.  And then what about our own country's history and the disaster that was apartheid.....I can go on, but I think you get the picture.....there really isn't a time in history that has been perfect.

Ouch!  But maybe that's what we need, a reality check!   How about we learn to find the good in each day and each week and maybe life won't seem so gloomy!  Set your mind on Christ and let the world just melt away. 

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