I have noticed lately how often I use the word 'awesome' and my favourite punctuation mark seems to be '!' So what's the big deal about that? Well maybe it has something to say about an underlying frame of mind. I often get caught in the trap of thinking that my life thoughts are predominantly negative, but if there is an 'awesome' in there something doesn't fit.
Maybe my deepest frame of mind is an undeniable belief that life simply can be awesome and that there truly are things to be positive and passionate about, hence the '!' Sure there are moments when life is tough and darkness can grip the soul, but by enlarge we have so much to be grateful for.
More important than that though is the fact that we truly do serve a magnificent, powerful and almighty God who is able to do amazing work in our hearts, minds and body's at any given moment. Therefore, yes, let us be passionate!!!! And let us exclaim.....
Our God is Mighty!!!!!!!!!!!
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