Sunday, May 17, 2015

How deep is the darkness?

Today wasn't my best.  I had planned to take a rest/sleep day next weekend but my body decided that today was the day.  I'll admit that I've learned that at times like these, when my body takes over, it means that I am battling with a bout of depression and today that was true.

In the past I have often tried to 'rectify' my depressed state by focusing on steps to force my mind to go in a more positive direction, but that just wasn't working today.  It was only a few moments ago that my spirit reminded me of one important fact.

Yes there are times when our soul will fall to the bottom of the darkest abyss but we do not need to fear the darkness, for wasn't it Jesus Himself that descended to death, hell and the grave and set the captives free?  Oh yes He did and because of that I need only raise my eyes to the light and see the cross and know that my saviour is near.  Jesus is not afraid of the darkness I find myself in but instead He only says, "Come, from this place I will take you to paradise!"

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