Financial month end is always a difficult time of the month. There are deadlines and pressures coming at you from all sides and trying to get through recons can be taxing on my eyes, especially when I am staring at moving figures on a computer screen for hours on end. It is all part of the job though and staying focused and on top of things is critical.
That makes me wonder if there are times when we can get spiritually sore eyes? I'm guessing the answer is yes, but when would that apply? Well for me it would probably come from times in life when I have been most critical of myself. Times when I have spent hours pondering why certain issues in my life keep cropping up and what was 'wrong' with me.
The truth is that there usually is nothing wrong with me or you. There are simply life experiences that have shaped our character and some of those set in behaviours need to be unlearned. So how are we going to achieve that?
Romans 12 tells us that we need to be transformed by the renewing of our mind, that means replacing bad or negative thoughts with positive and good thoughts about ourselves and our knowledge of God.
If you've got sore eyes from too much introspection, close your physical and emotional eyes and raise your head and see Jesus with your spiritual eyes and see your saviours love for you and how much He desires for you to live a full and prosperous life.
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