Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Measuring and more measuring

The insurance quotes and claim have now been submitted and now I wait. In the mean time though I have to figure out how I'm going to squeeze 3 rooms furniture into 2 rooms. Some pieces will land up on the patio, but I don't think it will be a good idea to put any more wardrobes out there, especially seeing as there will be people carting all sorts of equipment up and down the stairs for days on end.

That being said, there ain't much space. Now I could dump it all in the lounge but I figured it might be a good idea to play around with the furniture layout so that I can see if I can fit one more piece of furniture downstairs as upstairs I have just one too many. So tonight I measured some pieces and tried to work out a few options. Time will tell what lasts and what doesn't.

There are times in life when taking risks is not an option. We have to act carefully with well thought out plans and we have to ask God for guidance when to make a leap of faith or when to measure our actions in response to the situations we face. I'll never forget in my first week of Bible School back in '94 we watched a video called, “Faith, foolishness or presumption.” The preacher made it clear that although we may claim to be taking a leap of faith in some areas, that this is not the case and indeed it is utter foolishness.

If you are facing some big decisions right now, sit back, take a deep breath and take stock of where you are at in life. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and to lead you to make the right decision. If you do that and have peace in your heart, then your actions in faith will render miraculous results and your caution when warned will show wisdom, strength and maturity.

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