Thursday, July 31, 2014

Take those vitamins

While my body was ill fighting the flu, I was asking myself the question, does it really help taking my vitamins every day if I still get sick?  In my opinion, yes it does help.  I mentioned before that the immune system is the shield against disease, so what are the vitamins to us then?  Vitamins are the support structure that helps our bodies recover from illness. If we likened our immune system to the shield of faith and if it is impossible to please God without faith, then we have to have something to underpin or support our faith. The support structure to faith consists of two things: The word of God and Hope.

The word of God gives us our knowledge of God and belief in God because it tells us about His great works. We have enough evidence to support the fact that the word of God has been fairly accurately translated throughout the centuries to believe in the word of God’s truthfulness. Therefore we can rely on the message that it gives us. The message that the word gives us are the promises of God.

These promises from God are the messages that give us hope to anchor our faith into.  When we have hope for the future we are able to stabilize our emotions in difficult and trying times. 

So have you taken your spiritual vitamins today?

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Stripped away

Well its nearly three weeks now since the geyser incident and I'm still sleeping downstairs on the sleeper cough waiting for the insurance approvals. I'll only be able to do the work once I go on leave, so I'm guessing I've got at least a minimum of another three weeks to go. Each night I try to bring down a few things and make space for them downstairs and all the while, it feels like I'm stripping something away from my life.

That may sound strange considering it is just furniture, clothes and other normal living items but wrapped up in all that are the memories. Memories of the day I first walked into my house nearly 10 years ago and looked at the bare apartment and decided to make this building home. Memories of great joy and wonderful experiences, and memories of sadness and pain.

With every item that is removed from the current room I prepare my heart for the joy of closure. The joy of being able to look at the past and celebrate the successes and let go of the failures and look forward to something new. I have faith that God has brought me through a difficult season and as much as my home is about to start a process of renovation, this mirrors the truth of the renovation that has taken place within my soul.

Whatever season you are facing right now, have faith in God! He who began a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Minature crime fighters

I'm finally in recovery from a bout of the flu bug. While my body was ill I was doing everything I could to eliminate the bug, from antibacterial throat lozenge's to bathing with antiseptics and taking vitamins like they were sweets. All the while I could feel my body's immune system fighting as hard as it could.

Our bodies immune system is designed to fight sickness and disease. Without it we have no defence against bacteria or viruses and even a normal cold could spell disaster. In our spiritual lives there is one defence we have against the enemy that is absolutely vital to our spiritual survival and that is the shield of Faith. Of such importance is this part of our spiritual armour that the bible says that without it, it is impossible to please God.

A question you may ask is, how do I develop my faith? Well you see that is where trials come in. God uses trials in our lives to strengthen our resolve and as we put our faith in God in ever greater measure, He then secures our faith with the breakthroughs that we need.

By faith you can overcome any trial God allows to cross your path so raise that shield and believe!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Measuring and more measuring

The insurance quotes and claim have now been submitted and now I wait. In the mean time though I have to figure out how I'm going to squeeze 3 rooms furniture into 2 rooms. Some pieces will land up on the patio, but I don't think it will be a good idea to put any more wardrobes out there, especially seeing as there will be people carting all sorts of equipment up and down the stairs for days on end.

That being said, there ain't much space. Now I could dump it all in the lounge but I figured it might be a good idea to play around with the furniture layout so that I can see if I can fit one more piece of furniture downstairs as upstairs I have just one too many. So tonight I measured some pieces and tried to work out a few options. Time will tell what lasts and what doesn't.

There are times in life when taking risks is not an option. We have to act carefully with well thought out plans and we have to ask God for guidance when to make a leap of faith or when to measure our actions in response to the situations we face. I'll never forget in my first week of Bible School back in '94 we watched a video called, “Faith, foolishness or presumption.” The preacher made it clear that although we may claim to be taking a leap of faith in some areas, that this is not the case and indeed it is utter foolishness.

If you are facing some big decisions right now, sit back, take a deep breath and take stock of where you are at in life. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and to lead you to make the right decision. If you do that and have peace in your heart, then your actions in faith will render miraculous results and your caution when warned will show wisdom, strength and maturity.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Is this thing real?

A week and half later, I finally have all my quotes. Now I need to get the insurance claim prepared and send it through and hope for the best. I'm sure there are many people that handle these situations all the time but it is a first for me and I am a little unsure if I am handling things correctly. I've never had a household incident of this nature.

Well it is normal to feel unsure of new processes but the good thing is that we learn something new and we grow from the experience, giving us skills that we can use down the line again. Is it possible for us to feel unsure about our relationship with God? Yes, I think it does happen, especially in the early days of our walk with Him. We may have had an amazing experience and truly felt the power of the Holy Spirit move in us, but once the goose bumps are gone and the church music fades, we may ask ourselves if it is truly real.

My friend, I assure you, this thing is real! I'm not being sacrilegious when I say that. I mean whole heartily that a relationship with God is more real than anything you will ever experience. God's power, glory and majesty are displayed in the great expanses of the heavens and in the smallest micro organism that only a microscope can see.

So the next time you are looking for God...look up, look down, look all around, because God is present in all we can see!

Monday, July 21, 2014

What's going on upstairs?

Well once again, I nearly died laughing!!!!! Since our little catastrophe I've seen the kitties run upstairs constantly to check up as to the goings on. Honestly, I just don't have the energy to tidy up or clean up right now, knowing that the room will be gutted and refitted some time in the near future. All the while, for kitties, this is a good thing! You see the bed base is folded up (futon) and the mattress is standing upright against the wall and the furniture is bunched up in the middle of the floor. This of course leaves plenty of spaces for kitties to crawl through, hide behind and pounce around.

Of course tonight was no different. Now with cats the same rules as with kids applies. By this I mean that if you can't hear them or see them they are most likely either getting up to mischief or into trouble, so best you go hunting for them. Lol! Honey had been missing for a few minutes so I decided to check upstairs.......I can barely hold the laughter.....but there was kitty, stranded at the top of the mattress like a cat up a tree! Bwwahhhh hhaaa haa hah haa! I laughed so hard that a few minutes later he came to me with the tiniest meeeeew as if to say, “But mommy, that really wasn't funny,” bwhaaahhaaaahaaa!

Well God expects something different from us to kids and cats. You see when His back is turned He needs to know that we WON'T be getting up to mischief or in trouble. God expects us to live life maturely and with personal self control. To what areas does this expectation apply? Pretty much all areas of life. He requires that we exercise a healthy balance between, spirit, soul and body and that we take care of ourselves as best we can. That does not mean we need to now condemn our behaviour but give ourselves the same love and grace that he would and grow in Godly maturity.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Wonderfully ordinary

After the mayhem that had hit my little home last week, I cannot describe the pleasure of being able to come home to the normal routine. I have grumbled and complained so often about all the chores, but for once they all became a joy!

There are so many things in life that we take for granted. I know I'm not alone when I say that so many people live with fantasies of grandeur that the normal chores, habits and routines in life become a total frustration.

Learning to live more simply and see the blessings that God has ordained for us to enjoy in everyday life is part and parcel of our spiritual journey towards a centred and balanced life. I believe that walking simply with God daily is God's greatest desire for us.

If you are stressed with life today, I pray God's peace into your situation and stand in faith with you that you too will be able to enjoy God in the ordinary.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Just not the right

Frustration, Frustration! Trying to find the right solution to my home renovation nightmare is really frustrating. I'm just not happy with settling for something I know I'm going to hate later. It's not that I have unrealistic expectations but rather that everybody seems to be out there to suck the blood from your bones. I just won't have it! Time isn't on my side though as I only have 30 days to lodge the claim and the clock is ticking.

Giving up is not an option either. I have to press on until I am satisfied that the solution will bring me to a place of peace and joy!

In life we have to learn to be persistent. Throwing in the towel when things get tough is just not an option. That's why Galatians 5:22 encourages us that one of the fruits of the Spirit is long suffering or perseverance.

If you are battling with a trial that is requiring every ounce of your strength and tenacity, you are not alone. Pray with me and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the strength you need to push through to the other side of this trial.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I call him mogaliscious

Oh it is really just too cute! Honey bear really plumps up in winter and the fat rolls are just adorable and the more I scrunch them, the more he eats! Lol! Well now, its not like he has a complex about it, no he considers himself quite the 'brekker' (tough guy), especially as he passes by the mirror with a fist pump! Oops, no sorry, that's Garfield!

But Honey the brekker was no where to be seen this morning. After the usual, wake mommy up routine, that he and Ginger perform, I opened the door and they both went out. Honey however heard something that gave him a fright and he came charging back inside and up the stairs, and nothing I said could get him out again. Ag shame!

We all have things in life that we are afraid of, things that send us back into our cave, hiding and waiting for the danger to pass, and I'm not just talking about physical danger but emotional stresses as well. Some try to deny their fears and pretend that they don't exist. Unfortunately this only makes the situation worse because when we are then faced with the harsh reality that bad things do happen, our fears are multiplied.

Can I make an alternative suggestion? Face them, acknowledge their existence but then bring those fears into subjection to the knowledge of Christ. Scripture tells us the following:

2 Corinthians 10:5-6King James Version (KJV)

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”

In Christ we can have the strength to look our fears in the face and then confess the Lordship of Christ over them! God will turn your fearful situation for good and for His Glory! Hang on to that promise and don't let go!

Monday, July 14, 2014

No ordinary Friday night

Friday evening came and as I headed home from work I was looking forward to the familiar routine and time spent with kitties. I'd also hoped to get an early night in preparation for the world cup play off's and final to take place over the weekend. As I got out the car I noticed water on my roof in an odd spot but had no idea what it was from. Entering my home I could hear noises which sounded like water falling and my downstairs bathroom floor was wet. I looked around and noticed water dripping from the roof so headed upstairs, only to find the entire upstairs area covered in water.

I went round the back of the house to find the valve to switch the water off and there to my surprise was a waterfall flowing from the roof out onto the back garden. I struggled for some time to get the water switched off and then waited for the plumbers to arrive. The plumbers eventually arrived and found that a valve on the geyser had burst sending water everywhere. It took much work to try and remove what I could from the room and to move the furniture out of the water but eventually I got done but the house was in a mess.

Was I rattled? Of course yes! I did panic at first and wished I had family closer by to come and help, but that's life for you when you live in Joburg miles away from family and yes it did hurt. By Saturday morning though the shock had worn off and I had resigned myself to my fate and spent the day trying to restore some order and get all the immediately necessary items downstairs.

By Sunday, with colour swatches in hand I started window shopping. Key to a renewed positive attitude was Romans 8:28 knowing that all things will work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. I'm not about to let the devil's destructive plans ruin the joy of shopping for a new look for my upstairs area. With my faith in our restoring God ever strong, I stand firm knowing that God will turn this story around for His Glory!

Please stand in faith with me that God will grant me wisdom and strength through this renovation season!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

My poor, poor Hybiscus

Oh how sad I felt when I pulled open the curtain this morning only to look at and see my poor hybiscus all frost bitten. Last year was their first year in the garden and I decided not to spoil them, after all anything in my garden must be tough to survive, but I am sorry that I didn't cover them this year. My only hope is that in a few weeks when spring appears that they will recover with new leaves and flowers.

This winter has been relatively even toned as far as temperatures, so the recent cold and icy spell we have had, took its toll. It would be tempting to throw in the towel and give up on them but I know that they will soon recover. Despite the set back the best thing I can do is to continue to water them after this cold spell has passed to keep the roots fed.

There are times in life when the seasons are unkind but and we are faced with relatively short but painful stings. Never give up, this will soon pass and spring will bring forth new life again. Don't give up on your faith at these times, continue to read God's word and keep your faith steadfast in Him.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

What a hiding!

Well if you haven't heard about it already, you must be living out in the sticks. The German soccer squad gave the Brazilian team a thorough hiding with a 7-1 victory. The event broke Facebook and Twitter records on both social media platforms. One post said the Brazilians have Neymar but the German's have a team, this was certainly clear. Never mind that though, Gertrude (you remember our world cup oracle) was pleased that her team were through to the final. Now to see about the Dutch team.

What was abundantly clear to me, however, that it was not the loss of Neymar that cost the Brazilians the match, but rather the loss of their captain. And why was he not playing again????? Ah yes, TWO yellow cards.

Without proper leadership no team can succeed in life no matter what team you are on. That is why God ordained that every possible grouping of people have leadership. The husband to be head of the home, the Pastor to be head of the Church, the Apostle to guide multiple churches and so on.

An issue that goes hand in hand with leadership though is submission. As the body of Christ we must submit to the leadership of Christ and the church (globally) in order for us to fulfill God's desire for us. Leadership is not only there to guide us but to protect us too.

No man is an island and it is important for us to live in submission to Christ and the Church. Do you have a proper spiritual covering? If not, pray about it and ask God to lead you to the right place where you should be submitted and you will soon see God's blessing on your life in that area.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A taste for all things salty

When it happened, I can't quite remember, but I recall a time when we were preparing for a party and my mom was making salad and she had added some olives. I wanted to try one but eeeeiiish, the thing tasted disgusting. I remember that after that I would hold my nose and chew and swallow as fast as I could to get them down. Nowadays though I could polish off a whole packet in one sitting if allowed, especially those yummy calamata's.

Likewise mushrooms were not a favourite growing up but I really enjoy them now. Our taste buds change as we get older and somehow the more saline and salty flavours become enjoyable. As we grow in our relationship with God our spiritual taste buds also change. One scripture verse on its own no longer seems to hold the same weight as reading a full book of the bible or doing a little self study.

So, should you find yourself smacking your lips together, thinking that something is missing in your spiritual life, how about some study time. There are so many wonderful resources available and the Internet is an amazing way to easily browse for the information you are looking for. Just be careful to guard your heart though as not everything that is published is revelation from God. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you so that you can make the most of your study time.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Pin the donkey

I was working with another office problem and I said to my supervisor that it felt as if I was playing a game of pin the donkey. Do you remember that party game? For those of you who didn't play it, let me explain.

A picture of a donkey is placed on a board while the tail is a separate piece with a pin. One of the children is blind folded and they have to try and pin the tail back onto the donkey. Of course when they miss all the children laugh and its all fun.

Do you feel like you have been playing pin the donkey with your faith? Been meaning to get a regular bible reading plan going, but just not getting it done? Been meaning to make church services a regular occurrence but just not getting there? Or maybe even been meaning to phone a friend who's been going through a hard time but just not getting around to it? Maybe your own life has been in so much pain that you can't see through the storm to know that God is there or to even have the strength to reach out and help others.

Don't feel guilty, that's what the devil wants. He wants you to feel bad about not getting round to doing the things that God is telling us to do so that when we do it, its not for the purpose of worshiping God but out of guilt and then there is no pleasure in it at all. With that job done, we just slip into our old habits and the devil has won.

No, rejoice when life throws curve balls at you that make it hard for you to accomplish that which you know is from God, because that is a clear indication that the devil considers you a threat. Stand strong, love God, mourn with all your soul and rejoice through the weeping. God sees our hearts and knows when we are hurting and when we are under stress and he understands.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Winter at the movies

I am enjoying our current sermon series at my church titled winter at the movies. It is a contemporary look at some of the themes we get from the movies we watch and what issues of our faith they might question. Our movie this evening was Avatar, naturally I was curious as to what would come out.

Our pastor had his own ideas, looking at the different world philosophy's and comparing them to our faith and what we can learn. I had my own question though. Was Jesus not perhaps the greatest Avatar driver ever?

Scripture tells us that Jesus, while being God, took on the likeness of man and humbled himself unto death. I can barely imagine what that must have been like and consider this, Jesus could have come back at any time period during our world history, but He chose to come back at a very specific time when death by Crucifixion was common practice. There were no human rights declarations back in those times.

God did not wait for mankind to see heaven, he sent heaven to us in the form of His Son so that we could learn to communicate with Him through our humanity.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

A second look

I was looking at an account query with one of my colleagues today and it just seemed to be going pear shaped, so I thought I would see if I could help. She was worried that the problem was her fault but on a second look I managed to trace the error to a missing transaction from another party.

How often don't we do that? We encounter a problem and the devil whispers in our ear that we are too blame and we instantly tear ourselves apart thinking we are horrible. Sadly that is the serpent at his best work. But......that's about all he can do.

You see if we know the word we will remember that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us and we can have the courage to not let our problems get us down, but to remain calm and put things in perspective. Then with a clear head and God's wisdom as our guide we can figure things out.

Don't give up when life throws you a curve ball. Look to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to be with you and I'm sure you will soon find your solution.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Tuck me in

Every evening we have a routine. The kitties go out for their last run around and bathroom break before heading to bed. The other night however, after bringing the kitties in they just would not settle down. So I decided to leave them for a bit and continued with my computer work.

After a while Ginger came to my room and was acting all agitated and even scratched the carpet like he usually does when he wants to go out. As it was late, I rowed at him that he was just not going outside again. To my surprise as I got downstairs he turned straight for their bedroom instead of the front door. I finally figured out that all he wanted was for mommy to tuck him into bed. Boy did I feel guilty, but it all ended up well in the end.

We all need the love and peace that comes from a secure home and the warmth of our bed and yet there are millions of people living in poverty today. My prayer is that one day as mankind we will put our fighting and petty arguments aside and work together to eliminate poverty.

In our relationship with God we need that security as well. That is why fellowship with other Christians is so important. A church where you can feel at home and loved with Christian friends and leaders to love and support you through life's difficult moments is vital.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

There must be a winner

In comparison to the group stage matches, the knock out stages can produce some real sizzlers. The reason for this being that there simply has to be a winner, a draw will not do. The stakes are high and the disappointments huge for each of the teams crashing out, but for the winners the stress and excitement grows as they move through to the next round of matches.

In life we face the same challenges. Sometimes in the game of life we can afford to settle for a draw, or a trues. However in other instances the battle has to go all the way to its conclusion, one winner, one looser.

In our spiritual life, I am so glad that we do not need to ever worry about the outcome, well that's at least if you've picked the right team. You see in God's team we will always be victors in Christ. Jesus paid the ultimate price for us and I'm delighted to say it, in this game the outcome has been rigged :-)

Praise be to our God who always leads us into triumph!