Sunday, September 15, 2013

Garden club

I decided to pop in and check out the garden club being run by Lifestyle Nursery in Randburg. You never know what you can learn from being exposed to some new ideas. What always amuses me is that the minute you put the word 'club' onto any title, you end up with a room full of women, Lol!

I decided not to let that bother me and I'll be back for more next month. The cool part was that I entered their lucky draw for the day and won a bag of fertilizer. I was so chuffed. In addition when you join you get a card giving you 10% discount on all future purchases, now that makes me happy! Next month I'm hoping to get myself a miniature Bottle Brush bush. I just love those red little pomp-poms.

After picking up some flowers and lawn dressing it was time to head back home and I spent the afternoon planting, treating and fertilizing plants. I also managed to clear the beds where the Clivia's are from weeds and unnecessary stones. I'll clear the other side of the pathways beds soon and then I will be able to see clearly what additional work needs to be done.

The one thing I realized I enjoy most about gardening is that it brings me fully into the present realm. My thoughts seldom wonder to the issues of life that may be bothering me. God desires that we walk with him fully in every day, being present and fully conscious of the realities we are dealing with.

If thoughts of the future have got you down, find something you can use to bring your thoughts back to God and back to now!

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