Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Death of a star

Financial month end in any company is difficult. It is compounded for me now with entering into what will hopefully be my last month in my current department. There is always so much information to try and impart and it isn't easy to get the balance right. A transition is never easy as it feels like somewhat of a death on side and a birth on another.

This pattern isn't new. The heavens declare it at every turn, for it is within the death zone of one star that new stars are born. The very gases needed to create the new star are only found within that space where the death is occurring.

As human beings we encounter this process as well. When we are born again or spirit man is taken from death to life, but it is only in the death of our physical body that our spirit is free to transition to eternal life.

If you are going through an experience right now which seems to be a moment of emotional death, do not fear and take heart. It is within this death that your soul will find the new strength it needs to rise above these circumstances.

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