Thursday, September 26, 2013


Today I had another opportunity to experience a small personal victory. Strangely though I just could not shake a deep sad feeling. Later in the morning news came of a dear elderly family member who has taken a health turn for the worse. Although the feeling could still not be shirked I at least understood the meaning of my sadness.

The work of the Holy Spirit is so amazing and mysterious. Without my knowing it at first my heart had been bonded with my family going through a time of need and I was able to empathize with their sorrow.

Yet the most important part of the Holy Spirit's work comes through His work as our comforter. There is nothing harder to deal with in life than ill health but through it all the we can draw comfort and strength from Him at these precious times.

If you are facing similar circumstances right now, know that you can always rely on the Holy Spirit to work through you so that you may be able to experience His compassion for others and comfort in times of need.

My thoughts and prayers tonight are with my family members as they walk through this difficult time.

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