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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Turn around strategy

The complex I live in was thrown into a crisis situation just over a year ago due the unfortunate forced closure of our former managing agent company by the Estate Agents Board. My decision to step up as chairperson of the complex could not have come at a more challenging time.

It was clear that a turn around strategy was needed and that it needed to be stuck to very rigidly in order to effect the necessary changes. It has been a hard challenge with much opposition but after a year of slogging we are finally seeing some fruits from our efforts.

Are you facing a challenge today that seems insurmountable from consequences of other peoples bad decisions? Take heart and know that in God we have all the stores of wisdom and strength we need in order to effect the necessary change. With God's help, you too can turn you nasty situation around.

After all does scripture not say and our hearts believe that, “I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me!”

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