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Thursday, July 26, 2012

How may I be of service

Today was characterized by one thing. Bad service. Thinking about it, there were a couple of issues that stood out.

1. People don't listen to what their clients need, thereby frustrating the client further. 2. People are afraid to go the extra mile, leaving the customer to have to do even more work to get the problem resolved. 3. People don't want to take responsibility to ensure that if they can't help someone, that they make sure that they put the person in touch with the correct person who can.

I know I can't instill my values in other people, but as Christians let us remember that Christ left us with a very important example. In all things we are to serve. As a leader Christ was willing to wash his disciples feet. So too in all sphere's of life, we must serve.

There is no greater gift that we can give to the people we encounter than to serve them.

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