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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Did it again

Oh sigh! It happened again. For some odd reason I fell into a deep, deep sleep this morning and did not hear my alarm clock at all. I woke up at 8:30 with a fright and phoned my boss in a flurry. The funniest part for me is that there are always two questions that pop up first thing when I wake up in an overslept state and those are, “Where am I..... and what day is it?”

Lol! The 'what day is it' I can understand as the only sleep in mornings allowed are Saturday and Sunday. 'Where am I' on the other hand always has me bemused. Why on earth would I think I'm anywhere else other than at home snug in my bed? :-)

The one good thing I can say about an oversleep day is that by the time I do get to work, I'm ready and fired up to go. As sleep is to the soul, so a good dose of Holy Spirit power is to the Spirit man. We need to ensure that as much as we take care of the body, we should also take care of our Spirit so that we will be ready and fired up to serve God with passion!

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