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Monday, July 30, 2012

Have your say

Tonight's special general meeting went off well. One of the items on the agenda required being put to a vote. Some valid concerns were raised and dealt with but at the end of the day it boiled down to two things: a) You have a right to make any request, b) People have a right to vote on the matter and thereby give their approval or refusal to the matter.

God's word gives us an amazing promise. Jesus said that if we ask for anything in his name we will receive it. Now I'm not jumping on the name it and claim it band wagon, but when we have real valid request, God's word says that he will do as we ask.

The one bonus we have...... the devil doesn't get to vote on the matter. We don't have to be worried about the devil putting a veto on our requests. Isn't God great!

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