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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Knock knock

Arriving home to find the cobwebs gone was a big relief. It felt so good I felt like throwing a party and inviting everyone to see my neat and clean patio. The shame of the cobwebs was gone and I felt free to let people come into my space.

We try to do that with Jesus too though. We say Lord, “wait until I have my house in order.” Then we can fellowship together without having to feel guilt. Jesus doesn't require this of us though. All he says is, “I stand at the door and knock.” If we are willing to open the door of our heart, he is willing to come inside and fellowship with us.

Zacheus learned this when he was perched up in the tree waiting for Jesus to pass by. Jesus told him that he was going to his house and that was that. It was once Zacheus had fellowshiped with Jesus, that his heart was softened and he was able to see what he needed to do to get right with God.

Jesus is standing at the door of your heart today. Have you opened the door to let him in?

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