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Monday, May 21, 2012

Palony juice

Lol!  I get such joy reading about the funny things, other people's children do.... ROTL!  Reminds me about one little black book my old man used to keep (I wish I knew where that went to).  Any time my sister and I got up to mischief or did something that tickled his sense of humour, he'd write it down, only to be used as ammunition in our teenage years if we thought we were getting a little too big for our boots. 

So okay, now I have to spill the beans on myself.  I used to have a little "remedy" that worked any time I was feeling nauseous.  That was good old Marmite of course.  Somehow on day I'd left my spoon full of Marmite in the fridge, and who knows what dripped into the spoon, but when I went back to take a lick..... the only thing I could compare the taste too was Palony, Lol!  I uttered in disgust, "It tastes like Palony juice."  ....... I never did live that one down and fear this blog will come back to haunt me.

Funny enough I was reading the tail end of Jonah today (excuse the pun) and just couldn't help smiling at Jonah's tantrum when God didn't bring down fire and brimstone and destroy Nineveh like he said he would.  I imagine God must have smiled too wondering what to do with his spoiled little prophet (funny how we don't know the rest of that story).  I can only imagine that Jonah survived the humiliation and lived the rest of his days serving God humbly.

So is there any lesson to this tail / tale?   Not really, I just needed a laugh and thought you could do with one too!

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