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Monday, January 16, 2012

Wow a 32' HD

I have a friend, who wishes to remain anonymous, so let's call her Sarah. She shared this testimony with me. I requested her permission to share it with my readers as I feel this story is such a beautiful motivation towards faith in action. Enjoy!

I have to brag, not in myself but in the incredible faith of my loving mother. A short while ago my mom entered an in store competition for a 32' HD TV. Unknown to me, she prayed, "Lord, if I win this TV, I'll give it to Sarah."
A short while later, my mom received a phone call to say she had won the TV. When the package arrived, curiosity got the better of her and she decided to see how it would look in their bedroom. My parents decided they liked it and wanted to keep it.

Feeling guilty for not honouring her word,
my mother again prayed, "Lord, if you want Sarah to have a new TV, please provide the finances for another one." It wasn't long before my 'enjoying her retirement' mom, found a temp job that paid for a TV... I mean the exact amount!
Before I knew it, the package arrived. I'm still in shock at this wonderful blessing. I suppose the secret to this miracle was that it was an unselfish prayer, that placed the desires of another person ahead of their own.

I'm so unbelievably blessed and grateful! Thank you mom for praying a prayer, that I most certainly didn't have the faith to pray for myself :-)

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