Everyday God - Amazon

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Chump change

Chump change doesn't do well in my pocket.....it usually ends up in the company vending machine :-) The lack of change in my pocket has some interesting consequences. You see having a limited amount of lunch and fruit at the office means that when my stomach starts growling at 4pm, I'd better make a plan to get home for dinner.

This obviously has the positive outcome of making me hurry up with my work for the day so that I can leave. You see it's about knowing your habits and shortcoming's and finding a way to divert your energy to the things you are supposed to do.

When we first come to Christ we are usually so enthusiastic about our new discovery that attending church, reading your bible, and generally spending time with God come quite naturally. There will come a time though when spending time with God may become a bit more difficult.

To help resolve this dilemma, it helps to start new habits. Arrange to meet a friend at church, join a fellowship group or maybe get involved in a church project. When we are connected to people and make ourselves accountable to spiritual elders, that's when our relationship with God has the best chance of growth.

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