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Monday, March 14, 2011

Ring of fire

Japan is situated in an area known as the ring of fire. This means it is in an area of the planet that has a very thin crust and where the movement of tectonic plates happens frequently allowing the firy hot malten lava of the earths core to push through. This is the reason they have so many earth quakes in that area.

All the continents are on continental shelves which also shift, but a continental shelf is stronger and thicker than the area that Japan is located on for example. So the continents and mountain formations also move, but not as much.

Our lives are like that too. There are some areas which we are all stronger in and others that just constantly cause us problems. We have to learn coping mechanisms to deal with these problem areas. Knowledge is power both spiritually and practically. We need to not only study scripture to find out what it can teach us about our “hot zones” but learn from other books and people too.

In order to do this though we need honesty above all. We have to be able to look at our lives and be real about our issues. I want to encourage you to not be afraid, but to do some introspection. When you have accurately pin pointed your hot zone, you will soon be able to learn to master it!

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