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Friday, March 18, 2011

Is that Amazing Grace?

A few years ago a good friend confided in me that she had an abortion when she was a young woman.  Now normally my judgemental spirit would have kicked in and I would run away from listening to her story, but as she talked all I could feel was the pure love of God towards her.  Her guilt had held her back for years from experiencing the full, amazing forgiveness that there is to be found in God. 

When Jesus died on the Cross, there isn't a single sin he didn't shed his blood for.  When God sees us today, we are washed white as snow and covered in the grace that his forgiveness affords us. There is a condition though..... 1 John 1 v 9 tells us that we must confess our sin. When we do, he forgives us and removes our sin as far as the East is from the West.  He never remembers it again.

Then we have to be willing to live a repentant life. What does that mean? It means that we have to be willing to turn away from that lifestyle and choose to live in a way that will honour him.  God knows we will sin, but his grace is there to pick us up.... and he will.... he will every time! All he desires from us is to confess our failures and he will rebuild our lives anew every time we do. Eventually as we become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit and we grow we will learn not to repeat those behaviours.

Come to God..... Confess your sin and know the amazing grace that saved our souls!

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