Everyday God - Amazon

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Anyone for some hot coals?

Oh boy, how do you deal with those biiiiiig challenges? When the guns are out and you can see all out war coming and all you want to do is attack........!

Romans 12v17-20 tells us that we must not take vengance.... mmmm (I keep thinking easy for you to say). Honestly though, long term experience teaches us that when we let God fight for us, he can take better care of our enemy.

Then there's that confusing bit about "heaping coals of fire on their heads". What on earth does that mean? Well, in days gone by if a traveller came into a home from the icy cold, the host would give them a bag of coals to put on their guests heads. This was to warm them up because the head stores most of our body heat and a warm head means a snug guest.

It seems God knows that by showing kindness we can defuse a potentially explosive situation. Eina..... now to go and put it all in pratice.

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