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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Does your earth shift?

Yo Yo Yo!  March 11th 2011 will be remembered as a day the earth moved! An earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale moves the Island of Japan 8 feet (2.4 metres) and moves the earth's axis 10cm - mind blowing! These events will most likely alter our planet and it's weather patterns in a profound way. 

Have you ever felt like just when  you get things settled, something catastrophic happens and your life gets altered or shifted on a different course?  I know it's happened to me and the effects in the immediate aftermath of an event like that are devastating. I believe God has made our world to be an indicator of what our lives are going to be like. So what can we learn from these catastrophic events?

Yes, I know the pain felt immediately afterwards is devastating.......but the earth recovers.  Humanity stands together and we are able to rebuild areas where this devastation takes place.  The most important thing to learn is that changes need to be made. 

In the wake of the Tsunami of 26 December 2004, which killed roughly 250,000 people, seismologists implemented more accurate early warning systems, allowing them to get out evacuation orders more quickly and helping to prevent this mass disaster again.  We need to learn to implement our own early warning systems and with the help of the Holy Spirit, you will be able to devise your own systems.  This will help you in future to be on the look out for warning signs of disaster and take personal evasive action.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Japan.  May God help you to rebuild your nation after this disaster!

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