Monday, September 14, 2015

Don't push my buttons

I should have known better....................................!!!!

I was driving to work this morning thinking about last week and a couple of things that had left me feeling angry.  I decided that I don't want to be ruled by anger so I needed to choose to take charge of my emotions and think through things.  To be honest over the past few years I've learned that being 'controlled' angry is far more lethal than being 'wild' angry.

Ok, ok, by now I can see your you think Christians aren't supposed to be angry at all??  Is that what the bible says?  No, it isn't.

Ephesians 4:26 (KJV) "Be ye angry, and sin not; let not the sun go down upon your wrath" 

Here's the thing, when we get wild with anger we will not be in control of our thought processes and as a result we will say things that will hurt others.  When we focus our anger it is like firing up a high pressure hose pipe, you let it loose and it blasts the dirt away. 

So how do we calm down and gain focus and get control back of our anger so that we can use it wisely?  Well one of my colleagues was kind enough to listen to my gripes and even had a good chuckle at my face turning different shades of red as I recounted the number of things that had gone wrong and were pushing my buttons, all in one morning. She was even able to give me one or two points from a different perspective and that helped me get back on track and finish the day successfully. 

So take a deep breath and relax and allow God to guide you on your path to being a more 'focused' angry person....tee hee! 

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