Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Spider in my kettle

I've had to learn to start checking inside my kettle before putting it on in the mornings for making my breakfast because on two occasions now I have found a spider inside.  I'm not quite sure why it is happening but maybe like ants they need to look for water in different places.  The thing is, spiders can be poisonous, so accidentally swallowing one could be deadly.

Sound familiar?  The devil too can creep into unexpected places and strike when we least expect it, therefore checking our spiritual state, like checking my kettle, should be a daily exercise.  Do you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts?  If so, you need to take control of them before they take control of you. 

Taking control of our thought life can be difficult but it is an important part of maturing as a Christian.  One important tool is to find a way to record those thoughts be it by writing them down or by using a private blog that no one else can see.  Often once we have written our thoughts down honestly we are able to see how ridiculous some of our fears and concerns are. 

Find a way today to become the master of your mind and make sure that Satan's little spiders don't rob you of your joy in Christ. 

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