I'm currently engaged in a bit of a cat fight.....no not between me and some other chick....with my one and only Honey. Honey bear has decided that the only place he wants to sleep is right under the covers. Now this has its up and down side. Things can get a little crowded or they can get cozy..... tee hee! I must admit I really had no idea how strong willed kitties can be.
That makes me think about a question I once asked my bible school lecturer. I can't remember the exact words I used but the gist of it was that I wanted to know in what instances God can answer our prayers in faith and when he can't?
What he explained is that when we are believing for any inanimate object, we can have complete control over what we are believing for, for example: if you have prayed and asked God to provide you with a car, no problem, God can and will meet that need based on our level of faith.
If however you are praying for someone specific to give you a car, then that is going to be a problem as God has given all human beings the right to choose and that person can choose to bless you or not to bless you, dependant on whether they have heard from God themselves.
Well then if we want to have our prayers answered we must remember to keep our prayers in line with God's word as well as not trying to impose our will over others.
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