Thursday, October 2, 2014

Another look

Another look at our over the wall hanging trees made me realize that I had missed something important.  Their sheer audaciousness and boy that is a quality we all need.  So often in life we hold ourselves back from reaching out and grabbing our dreams. 

The question is why do we hold ourselves back?  There are many answers to that but the one I want to look at tonight is, low self esteem.  We may have grown up being fearful or being told to be cautious.  Low self esteem can also come from experiencing traumatic events.  Well I want to encourage you to be bold and see yourself the way God sees you!

God sees us a beautiful, complete and perfect creations.  In Christ He sees us as redeemed, blood washed and righteous.   God's love for us is unimaginably great and He would not sacrifice for us to have a full and complete relationship with Him.

So put away your self doubt and negativity and believe in yourself and be bold and audacious for God!

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