Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wild things 1 – Ronwyn O

My poor garden hasn't quite had the amount of attention from me this year as it had last year, but I intend to catch up soon. The problem now is that the weeds and grass are taking over again in an area I thought I had eliminated them from.

Mmpf! Sound familiar with anything else? I find the weeds in my emotional life are the irritations I allow my mind to brood over for hours on end. My preference would be to blow my top and be done with that, but lost tempers help no-one, nor are they socially acceptable these days.

Can this problem be solved or beaten? Sure, remember that nothing in life is permanent and a time will come when you will not have to stress about them any more. I think if Revelations 7:17 could well apply here.....”and God shall wipe every tear away from their eyes.” We usually think of this as only applying to sorrow and grief but I think this applies equally to anything that causes emotional pain or hurt as well.

When we are able to let go of the tribulations of our past, which includes all incidents 7 seven seconds ago, then we will be able to join the multitudes of nations and angels and bow before God in worship.

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