Thursday, November 7, 2013


At first I was surprised that Jesus jumped into the letters to the seven churches so quickly at the start of Revelation but I guess it is much the same as when you are having a fight with someone. If you decide to get together over coffee to chat about the issue you seldom engage in small talk before diving straight in and getting the issues at hand.

With the air cleared Jesus immediately takes John into the throne room of God. The sight described before him are more beautiful than words could ever hope to describe. John's best efforts to describe God probably fall miles short, but images and colours of semi precious stones of Jasper, Sardine and Emerald are the closest descriptions he can find.

John continues to describe creatures which he had never seen before which to us sound rather frightening but I am sure they must have been majestic. Once again we hear words of worship before God. In truth the book of Revelation is more about worship as it is about predicting any future events.

As I have mediated today on my late father's birthday, my thoughts turned to these scriptures upon which I am gazing. I know that our time here on earth is a mere shadow of the time we will spend in eternity together and with images of beauty like these I can hardly wait until it is my time to get there.

Let us do whatever is in our power to do to ensure that our family and close friends will be with us in eternity so that we may all worship God together.

Dedicated in loving memory of Desmond Victor Hughes! Happy Birthday dad!

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